Wednesday, March 01, 2006

What's moving me?

I try to spend time in the visual arts. One of my best friends in the world is an actor (If you are an agent and are reading this, Ben Livingston is your man). We used to spend hours, talking movies. Movies challenge me. No, theatre challenges me. Movies I can enjoy, when in the mood. I'm really a binge movie watcher. Here's the recent binge list from the last couple of weeks:

Grizzly Man - Holy crap, what a sad and beautiful movie.
Lubbock Lights - Look this up. If you enjoy Texas songwriting and the "myth of texas."
The Aristocrats - doot. I'm gonna buy this one.
The Dreamers - doot doot
Stevie - Anyone from backwoods midwest should watch this. hide liquor and weapons whilst.
First Person (collection) - Errol Morris' foray into 1/2 hour cable. I loved it.
Batman Begins - better than Daredevil, Fantastic Four, and the Hulk. Combined.
40 Year Old Virgin - Steve Carrell for President.
End of the Century - Ramones Documentary - Makes me wish I lived in NY in 1976-77 There are a couple of live shots from CBGB's the shed no doubt on who invented punk. Johhny, Dee Dee and Joey did. Period.

What you should go find if you haven't seen recently:
Fearless Freaks - Documentary on the Flaming Lips, as real people, not just punk rockers
No Direction Home - Bobby Dylan - what else do you need to know?
The Elecrifying C0nclusion - the entire 4 hours of the final Guided by Voices show at the Metro in Chicago. You may have to be a real fan to watch, but moments (probly 2 hours worth of moments!!) show the brilliance of the songwriting of Bob Pollard.

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