Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Nick Hornby

Made an impromptu trip to the Butler University campus with Tim Bruner and Bro' Brett last night to listen to Nick Hornby read selections from his books and essays. I've read High Fidelity, About a Boy, and Songbook. All three of these are recommended reading. I enjoy his honest depiction of what makes a man a man. Hornby also has a deep love of music and weaves this through his writing. The movie adaptation of High Fidelity is very well done. It's on the shelf at home, along with the book. I pull the dvd out occasionally and give it another look. I was not as thrilled with About a Boy, the movie, for a couple of reasons. One - Hugh Grant. Two - this a tougher themed book and the movie was a little twee in my opinion. Songbook is great. Anyone who is obsessed with music should keep this on the shelf.

Check out this essay by Hornby at McSweeney's:


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